International UNESCO Chair at M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University
“Social and human adaptation of the arctic regions to climate change” is a
university-wide scientific and interdisciplinary educational structural unit of the
M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University.
The chair should play a key role in the implementation of its goals as an
international scientific and educational center of UNESCO. The main objectives of
the Chair are to:
- provide scientific justification and assessment of the Arctic's role in global climate processes and natural climatic changes in various environments;
- study guides and monographs development and publishing with focus on UNESCO Chair/UNITWIN activity.
- establishment of interuniversity cooperation network based on special competency under the aegis of UNESCO; educational and scientific activity of students, graduates professional development in areas of establishment and operation of new systems, living management forms in the Arctic that meet challenges and focused on living quality in Arctic regions;
- expansion of regional and international cooperation of NEFU through UNESCO/UNITWIN program; students, PhD students and staff exchange with other universities and scientific institutions;
- organization of international conferences, symposiums, round tables, workshops under the aegis of UNESCO/UNITWIN;
- international education and information portal development in order to provide information accessibility, distance education system organization, informational support of international scientific collaboration.

Anatoly Zhozhikov
UNESCO Chairholder, NEFU, PhD

Svetlana Zhozhikova
lead programmer, UNESCO Chair at NEFU, Cand. Sc. Education

ася николаевна
lead expert, UNESCO Chair at NEFU

Pavel Sofronov
lead programmer, UNESCO Chair at NEFU