On November 28-29, 2023, the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Even Circular dance "Hadye" as an object of historical and cultural heritage of the Arctic" was held in Yakutsk as part of the implementation of the project "Digitalization of the linguistic and cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic". The conference was initiated by the public organization "Union of Evens of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and fully supported by the UNESCO Chair of North-Eastern Federal University and turned into a two-day discussion of topical issues related to the preservation, popularization and digitalization of the traditional Even circular dance "Hadye" with the participation of scientists, teachers, teachers of additional education and preschool educational institutions, heads and specialists of cultural institutions, representatives of the Even public organization, native speakers of the Even language and culture, Hadye performers, heads of folklore groups.
The plenary session was moderated by Anatoly Zhozhikov, Chairman of the UNESCO Chair, Head of the Arctic Council project "Digitalization of the linguistic and cultural heritage of the Indigenous peoples of the Arctic", Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.
At the opening of the conference, welcoming speeches were made to the participants of the conference. Evgeny Solovyov, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation of NEFU, in his welcoming speech noted that the conference on this topic was being held for the first time and expressed hope that its holding at the university would become a good tradition and this area of activity of the department could be included in the relevant university programs.
Konstantin Robbek, Commissioner for the Rights of Indigenous Minorities of the North of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) underlined: "The circle dance "Hadye" is one of the cultural codes of the Evens and serious work is needed to preserve it, including by state authorities, cooperation between science, education, culture, public organizations and native speakers of the language and culture of the Evens”.
Deputy Minister for Arctic Development and Peoples' Affairs The North of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Mikhail Pogodaev noted that the state policy of the republic is aimed at preserving and developing the linguistic and cultural heritage of all peoples. Active work in this regard is also carried out by the forces of public organizations of indigenous minorities of the North, including the Union of Even RS (Ya). He also expressed gratitude to the North-Eastern Federal University as the main executor of the Arctic Council's project "Digitalization of the linguistic and cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic". "Considering the circular dance "Hadye" as the heritage of the Evens, which has a sacred significance, we must understand that one of the conditions for its preservation and popularization should be activities to protect it as an object of intangible heritage, intellectual property of the Even people, in this regard, it is necessary to train personnel specializing in this area, to begin the development of conceptual research, the joint work of scientists and native speakers of the Even language and culture, in order to substantiate from a scientific point of view the need to protect and popularize the Even "Hadye"", – Mikhail Pogodaev emphasized in his speech
Sofia Urun, Director of the Institute of the Peoples of the North of the Herzen State Pedagogical University, PhD. In her video message to the participants of the conference, she noted the close cooperation of the Institute of the Peoples of the North with North-Eastern Federal University in the field of preserving the languages and culture of the indigenous peoples of the North. The universities signed a cooperation agreement, including on the project of the NEFU "Digitalization of the linguistic and cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic", within the framework of which this year a joint expedition was organized by specialists of the educational, scientific and experimental laboratory "Center for Three-dimensional Modeling and Virtual Reality" of NEFU and teachers, students of the Institute of Peoples of the North to places compact residence of the Evenks in Yakutia. The participants of the expedition digitized unique samples of live speech, song and dance art, and material culture of the Evenks. At the end of her speech, Sofia Urun added that Yakutia holds the real treasures of the folklore heritage of the indigenous small peoples of the North, which, thanks to digitalization, will become the property of our descendants and will be preserved for many centuries.
7 reports were heard at the plenary session. Moderator Anatoly Zhozhikov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, presented a report on the importance of digitalization, its possibilities and prospects in preserving the linguistic and cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic.
Ethnographer Evdokia Alekseeva, senior researcher at the Institute for Humanitarian Research and North Indigenous People Problems of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chief specialist of the UNESCO Chair of NEFU, Candidate of Historical Sciences, in her report "The circular dance "hadye" as a model of the life movement of Evens" noted that hadye is a multidimensional phenomenon in which the universe, its structure, and Also, the most important meanings of existence, acts as a source of valuable spiritual traditions for the further development of society.
The problems of preserving and developing traditional Even dance, the proposal to create a fund of "hadye" texts, all its territorial and genre variants were voiced in the report by Valeria Fedorenkova, assistant at the Department of Altaic Languages, Folklore and Literature at the Institute of Peoples of the North of the A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University (St. Petersburg).
Tatyana Pavlova-Borisova, Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies at the Institute of Languages and Culture of the Peoples of the North-East of the Russian Federation, NEFU, PhD in Art History, spoke about the circular dance "hadye" as a phenomenon of Even culture. As an example of a reference performance, she presented a recording by Yegor Andreevich Danilov, a famous Even storyteller.
Anatoly Stepanov, chairman of the public organization of the Union of Evens of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), noted that the Even dance "Hadye" in the past had a religious and ceremonial character and today traditions and techniques of its performance have been largely lost, many of the dance movements have been forgotten. Today, the elders of the Evens, who are already passing away, continue to bear these traditions, and our primary task is to continue working with them, support them in every possible way and preserve what we still have. He also made a number of proposals for inclusion in the recommendations of the conference, among which the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) was invited to develop a set of measures to solve the problem of preserving the intangible heritage of the Evens on a regional scale, accelerate the construction of the Arctic Epic and Arts Center and provide for the opening of the Hadye Center, achieve the inclusion of the Even round dance in the national the heritage of the Russian Federation and classify it as a particularly valuable object of the intangible cultural heritage of the Evens and others.
Anna Ryabova, Head of the Center for National Cultures of the Educational Creative Association of Culture" (Magadan), spoke about the impact of globalization on the ethnocultural heritage of the peoples of the North-East of Russia, the traditions of performing circular dance among the Magadan Evens.
Ekaterina Krivoshapkina, the chief specialist of the UNESCO Chair of NEFU, Deputy Chairman of the public organization "Union of Evens of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)" presented a report on the activities of the public organization "Union of Evens of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)", the results of work on the preservation of the traditional circular dance "hadye" over the past three years.
Maria Kornilova, Director of Museum of Music and Folklore of the Peoples of Yakutia, head of the Interregional project "Nomadic Museum", presented a report on the role of the Museum of Music and Folklore of the Peoples of Yakutia in preserving the unique heritage of Akulina Traise-Nulgynech.
The work of the section "Philosophy of the Even circular Dance, its varieties" was held in a face-to-face and remote format at the Kulakovsky Peoples' Friendship House: 28 reports were announced, 30 were heard, taking into account 2 additional reports, including face–to-face - 8, remotely – 22.
The moderators of the section were Ekaterina Krivoshapkina and Valeria Fedorenkova. The speakers were teachers of native languages and literature, history, culture of the peoples of Yakutia, teachers of additional and preschool education, specialists of cultural institutions, heads of Even folklore ensembles, representatives of the Even public organization. Interesting, informative reports were presented on the cultural environment of Yakutia as a sphere of circular dance, including Even and Evenki, the etymology of the term "hadye" and the semantics of circular dance, its generic varieties, the heritage of famous singers from Allaikhovsky, Kobyai, Momsky, Srednekolymsky districts of Yakutia, their contribution to the song and dance art of the Evens, activities folklore ensembles and ethno-cultural and sports complexes, their role in the preservation and popularization of the traditional circular dance of the Evens. Proposals were received on the preparation of publications on the chants of "hadye" and their legacy, the development of an educational program for additional education on circular dances of indigenous small peoples of the North, support for the project of the Union of Evens of the RS (Ya) "Republican Nomadic Festival "Hadye", etc.
The second day of the conference was devoted to the practical part – conducting master classes on the performance of the Even circular dance. The event was held in the Living Room of the Kulakovsky House of Friendship of Peoples. The traditions of performing the ancestral melodies of hadye at the master classes were presented by the elders of the Evens, the singers-negam - Anna Dmitrievna Sleptsova, Honored Worker of Education of the RSFSR, excellent student of education of the RSFSR, excellent teacher of the RS (Ya), teacher of teachers of the RS (Ya), Anna Petrovna Golikova, veteran of agriculture of the RS (Ya), master folk arts and Crafts of the RS (Ya), honorary centenarian of Ust-Yansky ulus, Zoya Stepanovna Sadovnikova, teacher of additional education, veteran of labor, head of the ancestral family ensemble "Egden Mola” Momsky ulus. They presented various versions of the hadye Momsky (Ulakhan-Chistaysky) and Ust-Yan Evens.
Эвенский этнофольклорный ансамбль «Долгунча» под руководством Антуанетты Егоровны Абрамовой, в составе Васильевой Эльвиры Степановны, Слепцовой Анисии Николаевны, Никитиной Иланы Дмитриевны, Тарабукиной Тамары Петровны, Ксенофонтовой Евдокии Константиновны, представил мастер-класс по следующим территориально-родовым разновидностям кругового танца эвенов: по двум вариантам наматканского (ламунхинского), догдо-чебогалахскому, тюгясирскому, томпонскому, верхоянскому и жиганскому hэдьэ.
Участница из г. Магадан Анна Кирилловна Рябова – Анна Кай продемонстрировала запевы hэдьэ и горловые напевы магаданских эвенов. Молодой исполнитель из Санкт-Петербурга Гаврил Суздалов – Гарпани Солинга, уроженец Усть-Янского улуса показал родовые напевы своих сородичей и интерпретацию hэдьэ в современном песенно-музыкальном творчестве эвенов.
Мастер-классы посетили студенты Арктического государственного института культуры и искусств, участники фольклорных коллективов г. Якутска.
Итоги конференции среди школьников и студентов
Работы студентов и школьников рассмотрела экспертная комиссия в составе В.С. Федоренковой, ассистента кафедры алтайских языков, фольклора и литературы Института народов Севера РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена (Санкт-Петербург), Е.А. Кривошапкиной, главного специалиста кафедры ЮНЕСКО СВФУ, зам. председателя общественной организации «Союз эвенов Республики Саха (Якутия)», А.К. Рябовой, руководителя Центра национальных культур ГАУК «Образовательное творческое объединение культуры» (Магадан).
Итоги в категории «Суденты»:
- Диплом I степени – Суздалов Гавриил Октябрьевич, студент гр. 2об-ПО-Культ/22 Института народов Севера Российского государственного педагогического университета им. А.И. Герцена за доклад «Традиционный танец hэдьэ в эпоху глобализации», руководитель В.С. Федоренкова, ассистент кафедры алтайских языков, фольклора и литературы Института народов Севера РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена.
- Диплом II степени – Кривошапкин Тимур Васильевич, студент гр. М-ГЕО-22 Института естественных наук СВФУ им. М.К. Аммосова за доклад «haedjae – душа и сила народа», руководитель Н.П. Захарова, специалист ЭКСК «Гиаван» им. М.Н. Абрамова, с. Себян-Кюель Кобяйский улус.
- Диплом III степени – Слепцова Татьяна Николаевна, студент заочного отделения Института языков и культуры народов Северо-Востока РФ СВФУ им. М.К. Аммосова за доклад “Һэдьэ” как основа самобытного танцевального культурного наследия эвенов”.
Итоги в категории «Учащиеся»:
- Диплом I степени – Рябоконь Герман Вячеславович, ученик 9 б класса ГБОУ РС (Я) «ЭШИ Арктика», г. Нерюнгри за доклад «Традиции запева хэдьэ охотских эвенов», руководитель М.В. Егорова, зам. директора по ВР, учитель культуры народов РС (Я)
- Диплом II степени – Сидорова Алтанэй Джулустановна, ученица 9 а класса ГБОУ РС (Я) «ЭШИ Арктика», г. Нерюнгри за доклад «Палитра кругового танца дэвэйдэ», руководитель М.В. Егорова, зам. директора по ВР, учитель культуры народов РС (Я)
- Диплом III степени – Матвеева Ольга Алексеевна, ученица 11 a класса «СОШ г. Среднеколымск им. Н.И. Шарина, руководитель О.Р. Новосельцева, учитель родного языка МБОУ «СОШ г. Среднеколымск им. Н.И. Шарина».
- Диплом III степени – Слепцова Иванна Геннадьевна, ученица VI класса МБОУ «Себян-Кюельская СОШ имени П.А. Ламутского» за доклад «Этимология термина 'hэдьэ» и семантика кругового танца эвенов», руководитель И.В. Кривошапкина, учитель эвенского языка и литературы.
- Диплом в номинации «Самый юный участник конференции» – Кузьмин Радомир, ученик 2 класса МБОУ «Себян-Кюельская СОШ имени П.А. Ламутского» за доклад «Роль «Һэдьэ» в воспитании подрастающего поколения», руководитель Л.П. Ноговицына, учитель истории.
Организаторы конференции: кафедра ЮНЕСКО Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М,К. Аммосова, общественная организация «Союз эвенов Республики Саха (Якутия)».
Соорганизатор: Дом Дружбы народов имени А.Е. Кулаковского. Конференция организована при поддержке Министерства по развитию Арктики и делам народов Севера.
Е.А. Кривошапкина,