The hairy giant - Shchuzyb Ayyator
In the olden days, there were giants on earth. People called them the Hairy Giants. They were these huge people covered with hair. People at that time were very afraid of them. How could they not be? They were huge, hairy and very strong. They attacked people, sometimes dragging them away with them, and no one knew what happened to those people. At that time, people lived separately because they hunted. Only when people heard rumors that a Hairy Giant was walking somewhere nearby, they gathered in one nomad camp.
There was a man. He had a wife and children. Of course, he did not stay at home during the day, he went hunting every day. He had to feed and clothe his family. His wife and children stayed alone in the chum (reindeer skin tent). So, one day, the man went hunting. While he was walking, the Hairy Giant, huge and shaggy, came into the chum. He grabbed the woman, threw her on his shoulder and carried her into the forest. The children, frightened and crying, were left alone. The woman cried, screamed, and lashed out, but the Hairy Giant carried her farther and farther into the forest. There, in the forest thicket, he had a big hut made of spruce paws. Into this hut he carried the woman. The woman was very frightened. How could she not be afraid of a giant, so big and scary? Every day she thought: “Now the hairy beast is going to eat me.” On the contrary, the giant treated the woman well, fed her his food, wrapped her with spruce branches to keep her warm, and spoke to her in his own language. No, he did not offend her. On the contrary, he was very tender, because from the very beginning he wanted her as his wife.
A man hunter came to the chum. He found only crying children there. The children told him that their mother had been dragged into the forest by a huge hairy beast. The hunter that same day equipped an argysh (reindeer caravan) and went to the people. He thought that next time the Hairy Giant would come and eat his children. At the nomad camp he told them that his wife had been dragged away by the giant. But what could the people do? They were afraid of the giant themselves.
Since then, maybe a year, maybe more, the woman has been living with the giant. Only she knows how many tears she has shed and how much fear she has suffered. When the giant went hunting, the woman always wanted to run away. But in the dark forest she did not even know which way to run. As time passed, the woman stopped being afraid of the giant. They began to understand each other somehow. Even though the woman was at home, her clothes were worn out and peeled, and she was cold in winter. The woman was a human being, and she could not do without clothes and sit without work. One day she said to the giant:
- What if you meet people? Ask them for skins, camouflage, strands of veins.
The giant thinks: “What is hide, kamus (treated deerskin)? What is vein thread?” How could he know about these things if he had never seen them. The Hairy Giant left to look for people. And people were afraid of him, they lived far away from him. The Hairy Giant walked and walked and came upon a large nomad camp. As he approached the camp, the giant sang loudly:
- The woman said, 'Ask people for deerskin'.
- The woman said, 'Ask people for kamus'.
- The woman said, 'Ask people for vein thread'.
His mighty singing made the forest shake. After a little silence, the giant sang again:
- What a deerskin is, I don't know.
- I don't know what a kamus is either.
- I don't know what a vein thread is.
The people heard his singing from afar. Men came out of their chums with bows and arrows. The men stood silently to protect the camp and aimed arrows at the giant. But you can't kill such a huge giant with arrows. The man whose wife was missing suggested that it might be the same giant that had dragged the woman away.
And the giant stood silently in front of the people, waiting to see if they understood him. Well, so, further on. The women came out of the chums, some of them threw skins, others threw kamus, and others threw threads of veins under his feet. The giant looked at the many things thrown under his feet and was very happy. He grabbed it all with his big hands, turned around and went into the forest. He took one step and only he was seen.
The giant entered the forest and belted out his song:
- The woman said, 'Ask for deerskin'.
- The woman said, 'Bring me a kamus'.
- The woman said, 'Bring me vein threads'.
After being quiet and looking at things, he sang again:
- Now that must be a deerskin.
- This is kamus, though.
- The vein thread, I think it is. Here he went to the hut and dumped everything at the door. The woman came out, saw a lot of things, was happy and looked at the giant with a smile. The giant saw that the woman smiled at him for the first time, got happy and laughed throughout the forest. And the woman was glad that he understood her well. All right, they live on. But there are so many skins and kamus to make, cut and sew clothes. And a woman has no tools except her hands. One day she says to the giant again:
- If you meet people, ask them for a hide tool, a thimble, a needle, and a paring knife.
The hairy giant thought, “She needs things again. All right, I'll go and ask her for the things she needs. The giant went to look for people. He found another big camp. He appeared in front of the people again with a song. People heard his loud song from afar and came out of their chums. Women began to put before him: some of them put tools for dressing hides, some put needles, some put a thimble, and some put a knife for cutting clothes. If they had not done so, who knows what would have happened. The hairy giant silently grabbed the things presented to him, turned and walked off into the forest. He stepped twice, and he was the only one seen. Walking through the forest and singing:
- Here's a skinning tool for you.
- Here's some needles for you.
- Here's some thimbles for you.
The Hairy Giant was walking through the forest, and you could hear the snow crunching under his big feet, the ice cracking, and the forest shuddering from his loud singing. He came to the chum and poured everything out on the threshold in front of the woman. The woman saw everything he had brought and smiled happily at the giant. When the giant saw the smiling woman, he laughed throughout the forest.
They lived on, and a son was born to them. He looked like his mother, but his body was covered with hair. The woman raised her son according to her own customs, spoke to him in her own language, even though he was hairy, and sewed clothes for him. When the boy grew up, he went hunting with his father, and he understood well the language spoken by the giant. When they met people, people were surprised, he looked like the Hairy Giant, but he was not a giant. Human face, understands human speech. Who's that? And the boy would approach people when he met them, listen and even try to talk to them. When he came home, he would tell his mother what the people had said.
So they lived on. The woman sewed clothes for herself and her son. The giant and his son went hunting. They ate what the giant brought back from the hunt, plant roots, forest berries, birds. But the woman wanted deer meat. One day she told the giant that she wanted fresh deer meat. The hairy giant rushed in pursuit of deer, caught one, easily snapped its neck and, throwing it on his shoulder, carried it home. He built a big fire near the chum and threw the deer carcass into the fire without skinning it or taking out its innards. He turned it over twice and decided that the meat was ready. As the woman had not eaten deer meat for a long time, she began to eat such meat with pleasure. And the giant tore off large pieces and stuffed them in his mouth. He was so full of meat that he rolled over on his back and snored.
And the woman, seeing that the Hairy Giant had fallen into a dead sleep, decided to run away from him. She came out of the chum, but she did not know the way. Where should she go, in which direction? If she ran away with her son, people might not accept him. And where will they live? Her husband has long forgotten about her, her children are grown up. And she can't find people close to her. The woman realized that there was no way back and decided to stay with the giant forever. From them, probably, a new human race appeared on earth.
Text in Enets language
Сԑхуд дя дирий дёдигун оласны тоныий ӈаа ним. Торсыʼʼ щузыбь айязуʼʼ тодяй пинуризаʼʼ амулиʼʼ. Тонныдуʼʼ энчуʼʼ чики оласны ӈу, айятор ӈу, агаан пиийпизуʼʼ. Иӈизуʼʼ пиийсоʼʼ, чикиз ныхитаʼʼ амык эбиʼʼ. Чикиз энчуʼʼ казагуби, кутуйзуʼʼ ноныду кадагубизу. Тодёбун кадязада энчу ӈоб лоз усыбибиʼʼ. Ӈолю оласны дёри нодашь нолюд усауби мань.
Ӈоб энчи ӈолюуш усубиби. Нԑза тонԑ эби, низа тонԑ эбиʼʼ. Дерную буʼʼ обу, мякун буни ади. Сэгмид дери кадязашь дязуӈа. Мяз тԑр кащиза оотагушь, сԑртыгушь тара ним. Нԑза нихиныда мякныда ӈолюуш каюӈа. Чи, ӈобгутын, каса энчи кадяшь каниби. Дягузахада мязтԑр кащиза Айятод корабиз. Щузыбь, амули тодяй энчи тоой ӈаа ниу. Чикир тохаз, нԑ амухуби, модина ни бяԑбиза могад кадабиза. Низа чикихун сԑюдуʼʼ канишь, ԑԑдуʼʼ сԑдь дярушь кайибиʼʼ. Нԑр чики ань лэукуза лэу, дяруза дяру. Айятор чики нԑ пейза мога меоон пери кадабиза. Тонын, пейза мога дёдан, казы лԑхачихуз мяби мята тонԑ эби. Чики мята миʼʼ нԑ покдыбиза. Чики нԑр ӈуль пийԑза, ань иӈиза пийсоʼʼ, торсы пинуриза тодяй амули. Бида ироон мами ӈаа ниу: «Амыкир бяуза щий ода, анзай». Чикир ань ӈуль сойзаан пониӈаза чики нԑ. Оотагооза керта мучигунда, идэда коды казы лԑхачихун сԑягооза, керта базаныда дёритагооза. Куньхуру очигоон неза дяйтагу. Дягу, пери сойзаан пониӈаза. То нԑзда амулир казуснезау, чики нԑ, пери ортэ торь тасладууйза ӈаа ниу.
Онай каса энчи кадязахазда мякда тоби, тущиза мякун дярдаʼʼ нируза коби. Низа нода базыпизуʼʼ, ԑԑзуʼʼ щузыбь тодяй энчид мога нэн кадарабиз. Чики энчил чикиру дери мяр тыза ӈодаби, мята каараби, низа кодуда ниʼʼ адтаби ока энчуʼʼ изо дез месыби. Бида ироон маби ӈаа ниу: «Амыкир ань тобуныда нинь майзад ниу». Тонын энчигиз базыпиза, нԑда тодяй амыкид кадарай. То, энчуʼʼ кунь мудазуʼʼ щузыбь амыки, керту пийԑзуʼʼ.
Сԑнхо дири, ӈу по кани, нԑр чики Айятор мякун диридахада. Тонын диридахада кемнээр сԑн дяруза касыритам, буруда тԑнынезауʼʼ. Амык пейза мога миз ку канихурушь дёхаранезауʼʼ.
Обу дёдигун ет, онай нԑр чики амыкида пиийчь ӈаартаза. То сойзаан щита пери понир ниу, кунь пиийтаза. Кащизы куньхо ет камазагушь пеийзыʼʼ. Нԑр чики онай энчи ӈаа ниу, пагищуз, пяԑщуз дязудь буниза пирис. Мякун адибута ӈу ӈобчик кодтур ниу. Точгуз мозащуз сэгмид дери адишь ань ԑказа. 1обгутын чики Айятор касахада мана:
– Дязумад щер локри энчуʼʼ кобуныд, энчигиз кобазуд, пядазуд, тыдуд каатанид. Модэԑр, модь пагинь чукчи нызузаʼʼ.
Айятор бида ироон мана: «Обу чики коба, обу чики пяда, обу тыʼʼ эбутуʼʼ?» Буʼʼ кокуз кооза, курсы коба, пяда, ты ԑԑ, кунахару торсыʼʼ обуру ий модыий ӈаа ниу. Куньру эбута ӈуз Айятор кани энчузыза педь. Энчуʼʼ обу, щита пиийчь нозда бенляйгун буниʼʼ ӈаʼʼ. Дяза, дяза Айятор, обу дёдигун окаʼʼ усыбизаʼʼ энчуʼʼ мяз неоон озыма. Энчуʼʼ мяз модычь амыкир кудахаз бариеда кохазта:
– Нԑй манашь кобазуд канид,
Нԑй манашь пядазуд канид,
Нԑй манашь тыдуд канид.
Буʼʼ щузыбь кинухузда мога мань тэрь тыриӈа. Ибляйгоон модирима, тонуку ԑԑхазда барида ань таха кохазтаза:
– Коба обу эбунэда,
Пяда обу эбунэда,
Тыʼʼ обу эбунэда.
Кинуеԑза мань кудахазоу соо. Каса энчуʼʼ идузуʼʼ, мимузуʼʼ нообирашь чукчи мякзудуʼʼ озымаʼʼ. Энчуʼʼ мяз кеуд тоошь ӈаариз кинучь. Нэриз модли энчуʼʼ оруз. Энчуʼʼ ань ӈолю дяхан нээʼʼ идузуʼʼ мимусай ноюда нообирашь. Торсы щузыбь амули, мимухун бунир казад. Оре, нԑда кадарай каса энчи кащихита мами ӈаа ниу: «Торсы амулид нԑй кадаризудь». Энчуʼʼ таслазуʼʼ чики нԑ кадай амули ԑзараха.
Тоз чикихуз, тохаз чи, кутуй нԑр орда ир пядазуда бяԑ, кутуй нԑр кобазуда бяԑ, анир тыдуда бяԑ. Оу, амулир сԑӈиӈа, тԑны обуруʼʼ нода идарахиз мила. Бида ироон ԑдыма. Тооруун чикиʼʼ тоук ирида бярилай обуруʼʼ ӈолю амухуӈиза. Кайя дез пощууйз. Энчуʼʼ пооныда щида модэдаʼʼ, маним щизыру бяга мудараха. Тэр ута озы. Кани.
Айятор могада ми тоошь ань бариишь кохазтаза:
– Нԑй манашь пядазуд тозанид,
Нԑй манашь кобазуд тозанид,
Нԑй манашь тыдуд тозанид.
Тыʼʼ эди ԑзараха, Коба эди ԑзараха,
Пяда эди ԑзараха.
Мята кеуд тоойз чикиза чукчиʼʼ нода кеуд сԑхазтыза. Онай нԑ казы лԑхачи мята миз озыма. Обуруʼʼ модычь нԑр чики ӈуль ԑдыма. Амыкида дез сойзаан сэӈидь кечи пищилыз. Айятор чикихуз ӈуль куру кани. Нԑ дез сэӈидь ӈуль амыки оласны пищида када – Ха-ха-ха. Чики щузыбь пищихузда мога курахад корсыза дяхан монулыз.
Нԑ, тоук обуруʼʼ модычь, ӈуль ԑдыу ниу. Точгуз нԑр чики тона чикихуз ԑдыби ниу, Айятор касаза щита сойзаан камазаай ӈаа ниу.
То ӈай ет, ань таха дирихиʼʼ. Чики тоук кобаʼʼ, пядаʼʼ ань ночь тара ним, точгуз пагирушь тара, тоз чикихуз пагииш созудьʼʼ тараʼʼ. Нԑр ань, чикиʼʼ мозаʼʼ понидь обухуруза дягу ниу, ӈолю узыриза. То чи, ӈобгутын ань мана:
– Ань дязумад щер энчуʼʼ мяз кобуныд, дёзлачизууй, нԑԑзууй, убайзууй энчигиз каатанид.
Айяторур бида ироон мана: «Ань торсызыза ноныда таразиз. То ӈай кантаз ань энчигиз, каатадаз чики ноныда тарадаʼʼ обуруʼʼ». Чики щузыбир ань кани, онай энчуʼʼ изо педь. Дязумада щер амыкир ань дёгад онай энчуʼʼ изо неоон озыма. Энчуʼʼ ороон ань кинусай озыма. Энчуʼʼ кинуда кудахаз нодашь, чукчиʼʼ мякзудуʼʼ пед озымаʼʼ. Буʼʼ дяздахада, сэгмид нԑр оруда ир буʼʼ базытыза обуруʼʼ озыды: дёзлачиʼʼ, дёз, нԑԑʼʼ, убай, кору. То энчуʼʼ пиданим, торь ибуту ӈа амыкид локри куньхоʼʼ мурадыз. Айяторур чикиʼʼ милай обурыза модлиʼʼ чукчиʼʼ амухиӈиза. Кайя щер ани пощихууйз, мярчили пурзы кани. Будуʼʼ сэйхиныдуʼʼмань, щизыру бяга мудараха, тэрь мога мин дягума.
Айятор могада меоон мята дез дязашь, ань барииш озартаза:
– Дёзлачизуд тозаз, дёзлачи ԑки ԑзараха – торь кинуо, бида ироон мана нԑза щита ноданишь.
– Нԑԑʼʼ ԑкиʼʼ ԑзарахаʼʼ, убай ԑки ԑзараха.
Щузыбир дязээза амули ӈаа ниу. Сыра, салба, пяʼʼ ӈота ирун тэрь морнэӈаʼʼ. Дёриза корсыза дяхан соо. Чи, тоунуза щузыбир. Нԑза мякзуда пед озыма. Нԑза ноюда сэӈидь кечи пищираби. Ноюда пищирида нԑ модэшь буʼʼ ань щузыбь пищида коо – Ха-ха-ха.
Куньру эбута ӈу сԑнхо по торь ӈолюхун дирихи0. Обу дёдигун онай нԑр чики Айятогузуда не коо. Чики нер, ибляйгоон онай энчу нук ӈа, айяхооза иӈи тодяй ӈа, ԑсыза Айятор ӈаа ниу. Чики нԑр неда керта мучихунда базыгооза, керта базаныда дёритагооза. Айяза тодяй эбута ӈу онай пагихун сԑртыгооза. Агайтааш канехазда чики каса ԑчир ԑсыхунда дязулыз. Айятор ԑсыда база ань камазагубиза. Энчигиз тобути, энчуʼʼ помныдуʼʼ дёридь мамбиʼʼ, неза ань то энчуʼʼ нук ӈа, кокуз ань торсы озыма. Бухода чирне буни ӈа, Айятор ӈаа ниу. То дёбун кусай энчи тԑныбиза, кудахай дерихин Айятод онай нԑ кадарабиз. Чики каса ԑчир мань, энчуʼʼ нук соубиʼʼ, дёримидуʼʼ дез дюсыриуби. Потайку энчуʼʼ дёримиʼʼ ԑсыхуда ԑԑхуда китаубиза. Торь чи будиʼʼкутуйхин энчуʼʼ орун озымубихиʼʼ.
Декар обу оодь будуʼʼ дирий ԑԑбузуʼʼ, чики пейза мога дёдан. Онай нԑр чики онай муд ӈобчик кома ниу. Айятодяхуда нԑр маби, буʼʼ тэ осад кома. Чи, Айятор тыхиз тобупиз. Чезыщуз, ӈолю бягахан, тэ надухузда нооза. Чикирухун бякда поштыза, махада ни бяԑза. Мякда тоо, щузыбь тэ оса но пагуд бяԑза. Нԑза пед озыма, модэза. амыкир, ноӈиза тэ модида нин тозаби. Пехун щузыбь бозутузда чуны. Ту ниʼʼ чики тэда ноӈизахада бԑԑза. Неза кобуруʼʼ, бязыза ни каараʼʼ, то торсы щер буʼʼ дёхара ниу. Ӈолю наак кеуд кобхадэза чикида. Чи мань, буʼʼ базаныда мале пиԑ. Тору оудь пезу. Чики нԑр онай му нэоон тудлууй ӈаа ниу ань, ӈуль сойзаан ооӈа. Айяторур ань ӈуль окаан ооӈа, щузыбь осаʼʼ дюк тэрь нада ще меоон нааубиза. То пирон окаан оорахазда, Айятор мань, махада дез атууйз ань чикирухун кабизурау кодыз.
Онай нԑр чики, амыкида кабизурау кодизад, щимед нозда комурубиз. Кемнэ нԑр чики сԑн биут каабиз: «Ней кададаз кантаз ӈу, кунь ԑзаз? Пейза мога миз кудюю кеуд кантаз? Дёхара. Энчуʼʼ, айятор пиийчь, ԑнзай, кудахай дяхин ԑкихуз ӈаʼʼ, мяр нин код. Дёхутудь кохон мога дёдан нень но кадай. Энчуʼʼ кобунь ӈу, ней энчуʼʼ очигоон понидазуʼʼ, переза айятор ӈаа ниу. Канибунь ӈу, кокун диридай? Ока по мале кани, бусый щий педь ӈаарта, нинь мале арумаʼʼ, щий дюртаʼʼ. Куру канибунь ӈу, амык касай ӈобчик щий кода. Ӈульче ӈу, чикирухун калячихуз, пурзыʼʼ сԑхԑрий дягузарха. То кемнээр ӈаариз».
Чи, тобазди торь дирибихиʼʼ. Перезуʼʼ онай энчуʼʼ, перезуʼʼ айятор низзыʼʼ кобихиʼʼ. Низ чики онай база нодубиʼʼ, айятор ԑсыдуʼʼ база нодубиʼʼ. Онай энчуʼʼ кобуту онай базаан ноныдуʼʼ дёриби, кутуйхин айятор ԑсыду база китыдаʼʼ. Торь чи дя нин дёгад энчуʼʼ тыс озыби.
- Bolina Z.N. Songs of the native land - amateur artist Ivan Silkin. Krasnoyarsk: OOO ‘Sitall’, 2014. Reference:
- Bolina Z.N. Ezzuui - Trace of Sleds. - Dudinka, 2014. - 155 p.: il. Reference:
- Labanauskas K.I. Native Word. SPb.: branch of the publishing house ‘Prosveshchenie’, 2002.