Enohova Larisa Avangardovna is one of the few bearers
of the Evenki language tradition
in the village of Khatystyr in the Aldan district

Yenokhova Larisa Avangardovna is a bearer of Evenki linguistic tradition.

   During the expedition work in the village of Khatystyr in the Aldan district, a sociolinguistic study was conducted. It is noted that the respondents understand several words and phrases but certain difficulties arise when formulating their own statements. This circumstance emphasizes the serious problem of preserving and transmitting the Evenki language that is characteristic not only of this but also of other languages of minorities of the North.

   One of the respondents was Larisa Avangardovna Enokhova, she was born in the village of Chapa-Ologo, Chita region, in 1958. Larisa Avangardovna’s parents, Anastakhova Maria Pavlovna and Malchakitov Avangard Grigorievich, were native speakers of three languages: Evenki, Russian and Yakut. According to the respondent, in the family circle, communication was conducted mainly in the Evenki language, and Russian was used in the professional sphere. Knowledge the Yakut language was necessary for maintaining the nomadic lifestyle of the family which often moved across the territory of the Olekminsky and Aldansky districts of Yakutia. Moving to the village of Khatystyr to live with her aunt, the famous nimngakalan (keeper and performer of traditional songs) Avelova Anfisa Pavlovna, was an important step in Larisa’s life. Anfisa Pavlovna is an iconic figure in Evenki culture. When she arrived in the Aldan region, Larisa did not speak Yakut which is the language of interethnic communication in the region. This experience highlights the difficulty of adapting to a new environment and the importance of speaking several languages in multinational Yakutia.

   Currently, Larisa Avangardovna is fluent in Russian and Yakut. In everyday life, she most often uses Yakut. However, her level of proficiency in the Evenki language can be considered quite high among the Evenks of the village of Khatystyr what is confirmed by a dialogue recorded with her entirely in the Evenki language. Below an interview with Larisa Avangardovna is given.

– Понимаю эвэдыт он гунивки?
– Долдынӈам. Эвэдыт долдынӈам – слышу по-эвенкийски. Санӈам можно сказать, эвэдывэ саӈнам, по-эвенкийски понимаю.
- Do I understand?
- Uydom?
– Уйдом экоды турэн.
- And how do they speak?
– Тылим гунивки или дялим. Дял эр ум.
– Тылим я знаю, ага
– Эвэдыт турэнмэ долчадяна, тылиӈнам. Гэрбис ӈи?
– Минӈи гэрбив, хунадим фамилия Мальчакитова Лариса Авангардовна, эткан би Енохова. Балдычам Забайкальеду, Читинскай областту, Каларский район, село Чапа-Олого. Таду эмтылватын бидечатын. Тадук балдычам умун тыхинча егин няма тунӈадяр дяпкун анӈаниду, эткан нюӈундяр нюӈун анӈачи бихим. Илан хутэчи дюр хунат, умун омолги. Нуӈартын упкат кэргэннах (як.) бэел. Тадук авар правнучкам. Нуӈанман ичэтчэнэ эткан, хэгды хунаттуви бидем.
– Хэгды хунадин иду хавалдяран?
– Нуӈан детсадту фельдшерды (як.) хавалдяран.
– Хатыстырду окин эмэчас?
– Хатыстырдула энинун эмэчавут надандяр анӈанилду, эду тунӈадяр дыгин анӈанил бидем.
– Энинни гэрбин ӈи бичэн?
– Анастахова Мария Павловна гунмури.
– Аминни?
- Malchakitov Avangard Grigorievich.
– Нуӈартын этэечимнил бичэтын?
– Эчэ. Нуӈан этэечимни буолбатах (як.). Дюга нуӈан экспедициялдули ӈэнэктэдечан. Тадук колхосту хавалдячан, орочи бичэвун, орорвор эхэ, эвэ ичэтчэчэтын.
– Энинни ӈи бичэн?
– Энинми, нуӈан бухалтернын хавалдяан, нуӈан читаду татчан.
– Си-кэ?
– Би Якутскайду татчам, училище киномехаников. Умун анӈани татыкса элэ эмэчэ, мучучам. Эду пока не закрыли киноклуб так и работала. Дюрдяр тунӈа анӈанивэ хавалчам. Эду-таду хавалдячам.
– Хатыстырду эвэды турэнмэ эвки алагува элэ эмэксэ?
– Эвэды турэнмэ ачин бичэ, якодыт, лучадыт. Эткан эвэдыт таткитту татыхадяра, дедсадту нян татыхавкил, «Эннэкэн» бихин. Таду нан эвэдытвэ куӈакар татыхавкил. Тадук мутту клуб бабушек бихин «Дылача» гунмури. Нуӈартын нан эвэдыт икэдепкил. Нан омночо эвэдвэ, эвкил турэттэ.
– Нимӈакарва улгучандепкил?
– Ӈи?
– Эннэкэнду.
– Эннэкэнду книгадук танивкил. Ӈи-да эвкил улгучана. Анфиса Павловна Авелова, нуӈан нан Мальчакитова минӈи тетям,
– Нуӈан Тяняду балдыча?
– Эчэ, Чараду
– Тадук энинын Тяняду бидечан, нэкунду Виктор Павлович таду бидерэн Тяняду.
– умукон бидерэн Виктор Павлович?
– Ага, умукон бидерэн. Хутэлин таду бидерэн. Олекмаду хунат бидерэн. Анфиса гунмури нан. Вот, Анфиса Павловна нимӈакарва улгучанипки бичэн. Минун бидечан дюр анӈанива. Би аhиндави уклядерав нуӈан улгучана начинает. Улгучанивки аямамат. Эвэдыт икэдевки. Биир конек горбунок курдук (як.) улгучанча.
- How did you move here?
– Мама Анфиса Павловнаду эмэчэн, эду эчэ бирэ, Угоян гунмури бикитту, Хатыстурдук иландяр километр биранан. Минӈи энинмиду дукувча по письмам. И вот мама сюда приехала в Алдан, в Алдане зашла в администрацию: «Ну, что ты можешь?». Она показала свои дипломы и ее отправили в совхоз «Алданский» работать бухгалтером, а отсюда отправили в участок Угоян гунмури. Таду бидечавун бу. Таду дю бучатын. Минэвэ эду эчэтын аннара.
– Эда?
– Эвки якодыт сара гунденэл. В русскую школу интернат меня отдали, Алеексеевская 36 школа татчам с 6 по 10 класс эду татчам.
– Эвэ, эхэкэ синӈи лучадыт садеча?
– Садерэ, эхэ со аят якодыт савки,
уруку бэел якодыт савки эбит. Орорди Таняга, Чарага ӈэнэктэдечатын. Элэ эмиэ алдандули орорди ӈэнэктэчал, потому садявкил.
– Амтылин якодыт эвки сарэ?
– Савкил.
– Си окин куӈакан бичэн эвки сарэ якодыт?
– Эчэм сарэ ага, якодыва, лучадытчаӈнам.
– Хатыстырду аят бидеми?
– Вторая родина, минӈи дуннэв.
– Тэкэнни ни бичэн?
– Бэел гунивкил Якоткар.
– Чападу якоткар идук эмэчэл?
– Эчэм сарэ, Тянядук эни (як.).
– Улиденни?
– Эвки уллирэ, эӈнэм сатара.
– Энинни нян эчан?
– Авунва улливки бичэ, ӈалэлин энудевки.

- How to say “I understand” in Evenki?
- “Doldynngam”. “Evedyt doldynngam” – I hear in Evenki. “Sanngam", you could say, “Evedyve sanngam” - I understand Evenki.
- Do I understand?
- Uydom?
- Uydom is a Yakut word.
- And how do they speak?
- They say “tylim” or “dyalim”. “Dyal” is intelligence.
- I know - “tylim”, yeah.
- I understand Evenki speech when I hear it.
- What is your name?
- My name is, my maiden name is Malchakitova, Larisa Avangardovna, now I am Enokhova. I was born in Transbaikalia, Chita region, Kalarsky district, Chapa-Ologo village. My parents lived there. I was born in 1958, now I am 66 years old. Three children, two girls, one boy. They all have families. And here is a great-granddaughter, I live with my eldest daughter and babysit.
- Where does your eldest daughter work?
- She works as a paramedic in a kindergarten.
- When did you come to Khatystyr?
- My mother and I came to Khatystyr in the seventies, I have been living here for 54 years.
- What was your mother's name?
- Anastakhova Maria Pavlovna.
- Your father's?
- Malchakitov Avangard Grigorievich.
- Were they reindeer herders?
- No. He was not a reindeer herder. In the summer he went on an expedition. Then he worked on a collective farm, but there were reindeer, and my grandfather and grandmother looked after the reindeer.
- And who was your mother?
- Mom was an accountant, she studied in Chita.
- And you?
- I studied in Yakutsk, at the school of projectionists. After studying for one year, I came back here. I worked here until they closed the film club. I worked for twenty-five years. I worked in many places.
- When you came to Khatystyr, did you not study the Evenki language?
- There was no Evenki, Yakut, Russian. Now the Evenki language is taught in school, also in kindergarten, there is also "Enneken". There, too, children study Evenki. We also have a club of grandmothers called "Dylacha". They also sing in Evenki. But they forgot the language, they do not speak Evenki.
- Do the Nimnakans tell stories?
- Who?
- Enneken.
- Enneken is read from books (memorized). No one tells stories. Anfisa Pavlovna Avelova, she is also Malchakitova, my aunt...
- Was she born in Tyan?
- No, in Chara.
- Then she lived with your mother in Tyan, with her younger brother Viktor Pavlovich.
- Viktor Pavlovich lived alone?
- Yeah, alone. My daughter lives there, a girl in Olekma, also named Anfisa. Here, Anfisa Pavlovna told nimnakans. She lived with us for two years. I go to bed and she starts singing in Evenki. She told stories very well. One of the people she told stories about looked like The Little Humpbacked Horse.
- How did you move here?
- Mom came to Anfisa Pavlovna, not here, but to the village of Ugoyan, 30 kilometers along the river from Khatystyr. She lived there. She wrote letters to Mom. They didn't take me there.
- Why?
- They said I don't know Yakut. They sent me to a Russian boarding school, I studied at Alekseevskaya School No. 36 from the 6th to the 10th grade.
- Did your grandma and grandpa know Russian?
- They knew, my grandpa knew Yakut very well, it turns out that the old people knew Yakut. They went to Tyanya, Chara on reindeer. They also went here to Aldan on reindeer, so they knew.
- Did your parents know Yakut?
- They knew.
- And you didn't know it as a child?
- Yeah, I didn't know Yakut, only Russian.
- Is it good to live in Khatystyr?
- My second homeland, my homeland.
- What kind of family do you have?
- They said Yakotkar.
- Where did Yakotkar come to Chapa from?
- I don't know, probably from Tyanya.
- Do you sew?
- I don't sew, I don't know how.
- Your mother too?
- She sewed hats, but her hands hurt.

Nikolaeva Nadezhda Prokopievna,
Senior Lecturer
at the Department of Northern Philology
ща Institute of Languages and Culture of the Peoples of the North-East of the Russian Federation, NEFU

Ignatenko Lyarido Andreyevna
5th year student
of Institute of Foreign Philology and Regional Studies, NEFU.

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