The features of the Evenki language dialects are shown using several words as an example

   As a result of collecting valuable linguistic material from the Evenks, the expedition participants in the village of Khatystyr in the Aldan region showed on the map the features of the Uchur dialect, which includes the dialect of the Aldan Evenks.

   For this, the methods of working on the LingvoDoc linguistic platform were applied - an innovative platform for preserving and analyzing languages, created at the Institute of System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which has become an essential tool for studying minority languages. Thanks to the ability to display linguistic data on the map, it is possible to understand the genetic and areal connection of the languages of the Far East and adjacent territories.

   The expedition participants uploaded a dictionary of surviving Evenki words of the residents of the village of Khatystyr to the LingvoDoc platform, and using the map creation tool, maps of the use of the words "sneg", "meat", "fish" were created to find dialects that have a feature corresponding to the Uchur dialect (the dialect of the Aldan Evenks): unassimilated combinations of -ld, -nd: imanna-imanda, ulle-ulde, ollo-oldo.

   The dialects of Iyengrinsky, Barguzignsky, and Mangazeya, in which this combination is assimilated, are highlighted in green. The northern dialect of the village of Chirinda, the dictionary of the Evenki language (A. M. Shegren Foundation based on unpublished records of P. S. Pallas), and the uploaded materials from the village of Khatystyr are highlighted in red.

Imanna/imanda – snow

Ollo/oldo – fish

Ulle/ulde – meat

With the help of this tool, the area of distribution of common Evenki synonyms is considered. The words sun – "dylacha" are highlighted in red, "sigun" - in green.

   The maps show that the Uchur dialect correlates with the dialects of the northern dialect of the Evenki language; the non-assimilation of the sounds nd, ld and some vocabulary, for example: "dylacha", are inherent in the northern dialect [Vasilevich, 1948].

   Thanks to linguistic research of the language material collected during the expedition in the village of Khatystyr in the Aldan region, it became possible to more extensively reflect the functioning of different dialects of the Evenki language in the territory of the Far East.


  1. Vasilevich G. M. Essays on the dialects of the Evenki (Tunngus) language. — L.: Gosuchpedgiz, 1948. — 352 p.

   Nikolaeva Nadezhda Prokopievna,
Senior Lecturer
at the Department of Northern Philology of the Institute of Languages and Culture of the Peoples of the North-East of the Russian Federation at NEFU,
Ignatenko Lyarido Andreyevna
5th year student of the Institute of Foreign Philology and Regional Studies of NEFU

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