Even tale "Khumtak" (Old Man's Name)
The tale "Khumtak" (Old Man's Name) is the third non-fairy tale prose or fairy tale recorded from Ulyana Ivanovna Khabarovskaya (Balaganchik) during field work in the city of Srednekolymsk. The tale "Khumtak" tells about a greedy man, it is also assumed that this is a legend.
Титэл өмэн эгден өрилэр биситэн. Тала хагдинатан өмэн этикэн бисин Хумтак. Хо кэнели бэй бисин. Асиӈа, хурэлни дэ биситэн. Орални хоя биситэн, төми кэлмэлни, көсчимӈэлни биситэн.
Кэлмэлни хо дебэмкэрэр гасчиватты өмниру орам дебдэвур. Орарбу аич көетлилры, таракам эчэс дебэмсэ, хурэлни, хагдил, хуркэр ининникэн гөвэттэ:
Тардала тинив хигэчэвун нимрэвэн деблилры.
Тачин да хөрөтты дюкивур набутникан. Көсчимӈэлбу кусигрэн хуркинэлнюми нян дюкчала эмэнрэн тэйӈэнриди. Эйдувутун нуликэвэттэн хурилэрбу, дялтан эйду хоӈадяннотты, бэйэӈэлби илрами. Өмэн атикан хагди дагамран, гөнни Хумтактаки:
– Ядаи тачин некэнри, нёне, төнӈэкич, хэвки итми, долдами, энтэкэе хинтэки набуттин.
Тачин та нучиддан.
Орандюр өринидюр кэлмэлни эстэн учикалби көетты. Тали Хумтак хоя хиралран, иркан нонан:
-Учак нюбукэ одни. Навта оӈканадатын – гөнни.
Өтэрэп атикан гөнни:
-Көсчимӈэл дебэмсэ, орам боли дебдэтэн. Хи бэргэ бисэнри. Хояв орам дебэнри. Хурэлси-дэ энтэкэе эстэн көсчивэттэ. Хиттэ урэчилси, бэргэр.
Тали этикэн, аткам хяттадаи некрин, эйдун бэй нуӈалбур нуритан. Хинмач дюткий хуррин этикэн.
Тарак амардадун көсчимӈэл орарбу илбэснэ. Тэгэтти тадук эмрэ амаски. Атикан эйдуткитин гөнни:
– Долба, бяг одакан, хөрдэвур, куӈал эдинэвутун хоӈры.
Тунӈан хуркэн орартаки хөрдэтэн гөнни. Немэкэл эдэтэн дэ нян орарбу эеки илбэссэндэтэн. Бу бакандиру асал, куӈал учикалдатан онянасан.
Бягалтан одакан дэрисны. Бадикар одни. Эйду хэттэ. Орам хигридюр хинмач улрыв өлэттэ, эйдувутэн дебукэн. Атикан гөнни:
– Дёрбу инэӈу унэт нулгэдип. Тадук ай индулэ дагамалдип.
Эйду эрэк Хумтак орарни, мут орарти одир. Атикан ай бичэ, эйдурутин бэлрин.
In the old days there were large camps. There lived an elder named Khumtak. He was a very bad man. He had a wife and children. They had a lot of reindeer, so they had their own farm laborers - reindeer herders.
The farm laborers were always hungry and asked to kill at least one reindeer.
– You need to herd the reindeer well, then you won't want to eat, – relatives, sons, and old people said laughing to Khumtak.
– There are still guts left from yesterday's carcass, you can eat that.
So they went home sad. He beat the shepherds and reindeer herders with their sons and left them at the camp. That's how he laughed at everyone, the children cried from hunger. One day an old woman said to Khumtak:
– Why are you doing this, laughing at people, not giving people meat, this is a great sin, God can hear, he can be very sad.
He forbids everything. And the reindeer herders did not graze the reindeer. Then Khumtak became very angry and shouted:
– The reindeer have become thin. They must be herded.
Then the old woman said:
– The reindeer herders are hungry, give them meat. You yourself are well-fed. You eat a lot of reindeer. And your children do not graze the reindeer. Like you, well-fed.
And the old man decided to hit the old woman, then all the reindeer herders raised their bows. The old man quickly went home.
After this, the reindeer herders drove the reindeer.
The old woman says to everyone:
– At night, let's go when the moon is up, so that the children do not cry. Let five reindeer herders go to the reindeer. The reindeer must be driven in the other direction. And we will catch up with the women and children. Prepare the riding reindeer.
When the moon appeared, they ran away. Morning came. Everyone was tired. They killed the deer, quickly cooked the meat, and fed everyone. The old woman says:
– We'll wander for two more days. And we'll reach a good place. All the Khumtak deer will become our deer.
Grandma was good, so she saved them.
Recording – Vitaly Vitalyevich Ivanov,
Junior Researcher,
International Research Laboratory
“Linguistic Ecology of the Arctic”, NEFU
Transcript – Vinokurova A.A.,
PhD in Philology,
Head of the Department
of Institute of Languages and Culture of the Peoples of the North-East of the Russian Federation, NEFU
Consultant – Nesterova E.V.,
PhD in Philology,
Junior Researcher of Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North of Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences