лого цифровизация 5

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The Upper Kolyma Yukaghirs nomadic season began in winter, with deep snow. From their winter homes on skis and sleds, they headed to the upper reaches of the Kolyma River, where large poplars of ugurcheraa (угурчэраа) grow, suitable for making boats. Together, several Odul families, including women, the elderly and children, moved on skis. Possessions, covers of dwellings and weakened people were carried on sleds.

Yukaghir ugurche (угурчэ) skis are wider than those of other peoples of north-eastern Siberia. The length of the skis is 149 cm, the maximum width is 29 cm. In the Yukaghir fairy tale, a Tungus girl carries the body of a murdered brother on skis, using them as a sled. Hunting skis are lined with camus – the fur of deer paws. Golitsa skis were borrowed from russians, convenient for walking on wet, viscous snow.

Previously, tread snowshoe-skis were used for walking on wet deep snow [Yukaghirs, p.63]. Their rim (or frame) had a triangular shape with leather straps stretched inside. The foot was placed in the middle of the net and attached with a loop in the same way as in ordinary skis. They called Kozhedarime (Көжэдаримэ) "the sole of Kozhe" (Көжэ), where Kozhe is a bird–footed character of folklore of forest yukaghirs (Oduls). The tundra yukaghirs (Waduls) braided snow skis are called haraman noils (харамэн ноилс) "raven's paw". Such skis can be considered as a sign of a certain kinship with the Indian and Eskimo cultures of the North American continent. The area of distribution of this type of skis among the Yukaghirs was the westernmost.

A pair of skis was accompanied by a yeriddye (йэриддьэ) stick with a ring at the end. Ski poles were divided into women's and men's. Men's had 1-2 nyorike (нйорикэ) hooks at the upper end, which were used when climbing or descending steep mountains. The female ones at the upper end ended with a scapula with a carved ornament or a hollow rattle with pebbles inside.




  1. Жукова Л.Н., Николаева И.А., Демина Л.Н. Фольклор юкагиров Верхней Колымы. Якутск: Изд-во Якут. ун-та, 1989. Ч. 1. № 8.
  2. Иохельсон В.И. Юкагиры и юкагиризированные тунгусы. Пер. с англ. В.Х. Иванова и З.И. Ивановой-Унаровой. Новосибирск: Наука, 2005б.
  3. Юкагиры. Историко-этнографический очерк / Под ред. А.П. Окладникова.  Новосибирск: Наука, 1975.


L. N. Zhukova, Cand. Sc. History

Н.В.Плужников (из книги «Народы Северо-Востока России»)

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