Творческай бинин Дарии Михайловны.
Дария Михайловна Осенина балдарин ойчири билэн (01.10.1973 анӈ) омэн тыhынча уюн няма иланмяр надис анӈанивун, домӈэду Бургагли гэрбэн окат, Аллах- Юндула Усть- Майскайду райондула, оралчимӈа нимэрду.
Аманни Осенин Михаил Михайлович ньаан эненни Александра Гаврильевна Хабаравскайду Аркиду оралби көсчиникэн нулгэвэтчэл.
Ноӈан (Дария) кучэрэптуки дьалдии бэлэччэ, орам көсчичэ, ирэк тарак гургэв эӷрэчэ туркуттэ. Мэлэ эти тэгэчиддэ, гургэлэи баккоттан. Явда очядми икэникэн, нимкарби дьөнатми укченнии ичин дюлэп бинин. Ноӈандула дёлданни хоя: грамотал, дипломат, удостоверениялкан – ӈонмирни ӈэнэк, медалян бөриттан «Нимкалан».

Daria Mikhailovna Osenina is an expert in oral folk art, customs, and traditions of the Even people. In the nymphs of Daria Mikhailovna Osenina, there is a connection with the historical past of the people, which is important in preserving folk culture.
Daria Mikhailovna Osenina from the Garbanken family Гэрбэнкэн family was born on October 1, 1937 in the taiga near the Burgagli river in the Allahune Ust-May district, to a large family. Her father Mikhail Mikhailovich Osenin (1900-1973) and mother Alexandra Gavrilevna Osenina (Storozheva) migrated with their reindeer from the Khabarovsk Territory from the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk to Yakutia. There were several houses in the village of Allah Yun.The training was conducted in Russian and Yakut languages. Daria went to a class where they taught in the Yakut language. In 1956, in the summer, together with the deer, they left in the direction of the Tomponsky district, they reached the "East" in January 1957.
In 1973, she studied at an evening school (5th-8th grade).
From an early age, she helped her family graze deer, worked as a reindeer herder, hunter, and in a sewing workshop. In this workshop, she sewed good-quality and beautiful clothes for reindeer herders (boots, torbaza, kukhlyanka, gloves, mittens), inventing various ornaments. Until recently, she lived and roamed with relatives in the taiga. She is a member of the folklore ethnographic ensemble "Maranga".
Currently, she lives in the village, despite her age, she is also constantly on the move, making skins, sewing, while singing songs about the beauty of nature, about life. She shows, tells, teaches how to do any process of her activity correctly. He tells a lot of interesting things about his past life. From her point of view, these nimkans are not her own, but belong to her father
He has various certificates, certificates of honor, diplomas, certificates of master of folk arts of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), excellent student of agriculture, honorary badge "Veteran of agriculture of Yakutia","Honorary citizen of the Ministry of Defense "Thompson National "Even) nasleg", awarded the medal of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) "Nimkalan",Нимкалан", that is, he is the owner of the title"Storyteller olonkhosut".'.