
Koryaks (there is no single self-designation; group self-designation: chavchyv, chavchu, nymylgyn)- the indigenous inhabitants of the Kamchatka Peninsula. They are settled in Koryak autonomous area of Kamchatka territory, in Chukotka autonomous area and the north districts of Magadan territory.
According to their place of residence and cultural and economic type, the Koryaks, like the Chukchi, are divided into two groups - tundra (deer, nomadic reindeer herders) and seaside (sedentary, coastal, "sedentary" Koryaks, marine hunters, fishermen, hunters).
The population in Russia is 8900 people, They are speaking in koryak language, that belongs to the Chukchi-Kamchatka group of Paleoasiatic languages. The closest neighbors of the Koryaks are the Chukchi. The total number of Koryaks before the arrival of the Russians was about 10 thousand people.